Effective methods of cargo transportation monitoring using Piritiz GPS

Freight monitoring is an important aspect of logistics that helps companies track the movement of goods in real time. This makes it possible to improve customer service, reduce costs and increase cargo safety. Today, there are many technologies for monitoring cargo transportation, but one of the most effective is the use of Piritiz GPS systems.

Advantages of using Piritiz GPS

Piritiz GPS provides companies with the ability to track their shipments with high accuracy. This helps not only to control the location of goods, but also to receive important information about the state of transport. The main advantages of using Piritiz GPS:

  1. Precise location detection: Piritiz GPS systems allow you to determine the location of goods with an accuracy of several meters. This is especially important for companies operating in conditions of dense urban traffic or over long distances.
  2. Real-time tracking: With Piritiz GPS, you can track the movement of goods in real time, which allows you to quickly respond to any changes in the route or delays.
  3. Reducing the risks of theft and loss: The use of Piritiz GPS helps to reduce the risks of theft and loss of goods, as the system allows you to quickly respond to any suspicious actions.
  4. Route optimization: Piritiz GPS systems can help optimize transportation routes, which reduces travel time and reduces fuel costs.

How Piritiz GPS works

The principle of operation of Piritiz GPS is quite simple. A GPS tracker is installed on each vehicle, which transmits location data to the monitoring system. This data can be viewed through special software available both on a computer and on mobile devices.

The Piritiz GPS system provides not only location information, but also other important data such as driving speed, downtime, temperature in the cargo compartment and engine condition. This allows companies to monitor the condition of their vehicles and carry out timely maintenance.

Real-world examples of using Piritiz GPS

Many companies have already appreciated the benefits of using Piritiz GPS to monitor their cargo shipments. For example, a large logistics company XYZ uses this system to track its shipments on international routes. Thanks to Piritiz GPS, the company was able to reduce the delivery time by 20%, as well as significantly reduce the risks of cargo theft.

Another example is ABC, a food transportation company. Using Piritiz GPS, they can monitor the temperature in the cargo compartment and respond in a timely manner to any deviations from the norm. This helps to avoid spoilage of products and preserve their quality.


In conclusion, we can say that the use of Piritiz GPS is one of the most effective methods of monitoring cargo transportation. This system allows you not only to track the location of goods in real time, but also to receive important information about the state of transport. Thanks to this, companies can improve customer service, reduce costs and increase the safety of their cargo. If you are not yet using Piritiz GPS to monitor your cargo transportation, it may be worth thinking about it and evaluating all the advantages of this system.